Saturday, May 10, 2008

Of mice and women

A lot of women are afraid of mice. They scream and shout and climb on chairs if they see a mouse. I can not understand that. Mices are nice little animals. They seem to be quick and clever. It's nice to look at them.

Get me right: I do not want to have a mouse living under my bed, I do not want it to run through my kitchen. But a mouse in the garden or in the wood - no problem with that.
In general: no problem with animals if they are were they are supposed to be. A tiger in the jungle, an eagle in the air, a spider in the cellar - no problem.

Yesterday I went through my garden. It's a small garden. Nothing special, just some lawn, flowers, some bushes and two or three trees. Thats it. A small garden attached to a small house, surrounded by other houses with small gardens in a small town in western europe. Nothing special....

Until yesterday...I went into my garden, made a few steps over the lawn when all at once I saw:

A snake!!!!!!!!!

A real snake creeping through my little garden, about five/six feet long, green to grey, thick as my underarm!!!

I was frozen in horror, then I screamed. I shook my arms and screamed like mad. The snake raised its head and slowly disappeared under some bushes. I rushed into the house, slammed the door, called my neighbours. They looked everywhere, but no snake. I do not know if they believe me, but I know what I saw. I'm not nuts.

It's horrible. A snake in my garden. Where does it come from, what does it want in my garden and where is it gone? And will it come back?

I am so horrified!!!

This is not Texas or Arizona. Snakes do not belong here.

And even if so: NOT IN MY GARDEN!


I like everything to be where it is supposed to be.
A snake in the desert, a cup in the cupboard, a book in the bookshelf, a naughty bottom in the corner.

That is the way it should be. No reason to change that!
I like it the oldfashioned way.

So please...
Can someone tell me how to get rid of that snake
and to get back to normal?



jack ketch said...

Forgive me if I've missed something, I'm a new reader. Have you not got a MAN in your life to deal with such things? This is definitely one of those times when the hand that holds the cane needs to get off the couch and deal with it. best wishes Jackketch (

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties. Just remember YOU are a lot bigger than that snake, so he is probably more frightened of you!

If it was not a rattlesnake, then I think you have nothing to worry about.

But if it still creeps you out just too much. There are "Have a Heart" humane traps that you can buy that will lure your unwanted visitor into a container which you (or a good Male friend who is not a as jumpy) can take out into the wild and release him.

(Now don't you dare think of releasing him into your neighbor's garden, that would constitute overt naughtiness and you would find that YOURS would be the glowing cherry red bottom on display in the corner.

If you need further assistance or info -- contact me at

Hopefully, we can quickly progress to other more pressing matters of getting that

Anonymous said...

Easiest thing to do is spread moth balls around the garden. Samkes and other animals do not like the smell and will move on.

Anonymous said...

Most snakes, i'm assuming you saw a common garden snake, are not going to hurt you or go near you.

And they are likely MUCH more afraid of you, then you of it.
