Monday, April 21, 2008

wooden spoon = kochlöffel

In my last entry (written in german) I promised to translate it into english.

I hate to do that. Once it is written it is over and out of my mind. Doing a translation two or three weeks later is pure punishment for me.
One of my reader, Jackketch; was kind enough to do the work for my. So here is his translation:

40 or 50 years ago the Rohrstock (kind of a cane), certainly was the usual instrument for teaching brats some manners.Back in the times when a spanking was an everyday part of home or school life.

That changed with the 68 generation and the rise of Anti-Athoritarian upbringing.The rohrstock went out of fashion.But there were still naughty girls who still needed their bottoms tanned. Everyday household objects were within easy reach: the strap, the clothes hook,the carpet beater and the wooden spoon.These instruments were laughed at by Spanking Aficionados, especially those who were more concerned with more theoretical side of things.

But any girl who has ever, for example, felt a wooden spoon rain down on her bare bum, knows there was nothing to laugh about.The pain is concentrated on a small area and its effects felt long after.

The threat "You will be punished ,until you're unable to sit down" is easily fulfilled withwith one or two dozen 'of the best' with the rohrstock. But a good session with the wooden spoon on her bare bum makes just as good animpression and will turna rude brat into a sobbing miss, who promises with all her heart to better her behaviour in future.

The more homestyle spanking scenarios are seldom shown,
Personally , the carpet beater and the wooden spoon are the instruments I respect the most! The rohrstock is painful and I've never felt an English cane.I don't like the American paddle.

The pics in this entry are showing Sophie from Girls Boarding School getting a good sound spanking with the wooden spoon. Its one of my favorites photostories.
Look at the pics and you can almost feel the sting in your behind!

She felt sorry after that spanking, I am sure about that.





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