Sunday, December 30, 2007

Zum Ende

Zum Ende des Jahres ist es sinnvoll zurückzuschauen. Das Jahr 2007 war sehr gemischt für mich. Viele schöne Momente und Erfolge aber auch leider- viele private Rückschläge und Enttäuschungen. Kein Grund also diesem Jahr nachzutrauern. Vielmehr Anlass dem Neuen Jahr mit Mut und guten Gedanken entgegen zu gehen.

Allen einen guten Rutsch und ein frohes Neujahr!

The year 2007 was not a very special one for me. Something good, something bad, some things that should better nat have happened. So I do not hesitate a moment to give it up.
Let's hope for a better 2008.

Happy New Year ------ Prosit Neujahr!!!!



Anonymous said...

Would you care to tell us about some of the things you liked and the ones you didn't?

eismar55 said...

I lost my job and had a difficult time to find a new one. That was a pretty bad time for me. I have a new job now. That' great.
My health was not very good last year. But know it seems to become much better (fingers crossed).

eismar55 said...

Know should be 'now' - Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about that, I know what it's like. Great to hear you have a new job now - I hope it's better than the previous one!

Please keep up the good work on your blog. It's nice to read, and I love the subject matter.