Saturday, December 22, 2007

Old disk

Here are some other drawings. I found them on that old disk that I dicovered some days ago. See last entry.

Did I tell you that I like drawings very much? Sometimes they are even better then pics. That's at least my opinion. Spanking is a fantasy world. And drawings fit much better to fantasy than pics can do.
Most of the spanking do take place at home. But do we get pics from there? Seldom. That is understandable. Who has actually the nerve to take his camera when he is punishing his unruley member of houshold? And would the culprit took the blame to be photgraphed while beeing punished?
Very seldom. So drawings can show us instead what happens in some housholds sometimes:

Merry Christmess to all of you!
Happy Hannukah as well!!!
(There is an islamic festivity as well. Opferfest is it called in german. Best wishes to all of you!)




Anonymous said...

Some very nice drawings, eismar55. I love your blog - just found it today!


Anonymous said...

Yes I do agree that there can be something about drawings. That surealism that make's it all the more attractive, be they spanking caning or even corner time especially for some reason.
Anyway all the best for 2008 in Germany from a fan in Ireland

Paddy P.