Friday, January 11, 2008

To long?

I am a great fan of GBS (Girls Boarding They have excellent movies and pictures on their site and you can find a lot about cornertime there as well.

Now they show a new girl, named Abi.

She took a 24 hours punishment session to get rid of her guilty feelings. That's the story.During this punishment session she had to do cornertime twice for over an hour.

That is bad enough. But as we are told (they movie is not totally published yet) she had to stand in the corner during nightime for 8 hours with out permission to go to the bathroom!!!???

I beg your pardon. But that has nothing to do with cornertime anymore.

Ten or fifteen minutes with your nose in the corner is bad enough when your bottom is sore and stinging. 30 minutes is awfully long. One hour facing the wall -especially before a spanking - is my personal limit. I could not do more and do not wish to make any experience beyond that.


Cornertime makes sense if your are emotionally involved. I do not think you can feel humiliated, sorry or nervous in expectation of what will come for more than one hour. The rest is boredom or torture.
I dislike both. Spanking has to do with excitement. It is quick and sensational. It should not be extended to long. Would not work for me. 8 hours cornertime has to do with sadism. It has nothing to do with spankings. A 24h punishment session is to much as well. At least for my taste.
Others may feel different.

I wish GBS would go back to it roots. Wonderful nice spanking sessions with a good story.
Spanking were given as it should be. Naughty girls scolded and soundly spanked on the spot.
That is what I like about GBS.

Some of the newer movies are to harsh for my taste. To much severe paddling, heavy bruises -and to much nude girls. The producers of spankings sites are wrong if they think their customers want to see nude girls again and again. You can find a lot of that stuff on different sites.
Sometimes it makes sense to make her take of all her clothes. But that should not be the standard.

A spanking over her tight jeans or with her panties around her ankles has much more credibilaty than nude girls waving their bare breast to the camera while a big paddle injures their poor behind again and again.

Do not get me wrong. GBS is a great site. Worth to visit. I am critical because I like most of what they are showing very much.




Anonymous said...

Eismar, once again congratulations on a superb posting.

I’m not a subscriber to Girls Boarding School, though it looks interesting (I rather prefer to see “boys” like myself being punished). I think you make a very good point about sites being true to their roots. If they all become the same, with excessively severe punishments and little or no story line, I think that would be a great shame.

Do you mind if I say something in defence of 8 hours in the corner? I have done this myself on at least 4 occasions in my life. If I was told to again, I would get a sinking feeling in my stomach but I would not complain. I would describe it as an ordeal in boredom, rather than a torture. When it is over, I really do feel that my guilt has been paid for (so the GBS story you describe actually makes sense to me).

Perhaps you have to approach it as an adventure! The sense of “that’s enough” (and despair) that comes after an hour or so, fortunately does not last for the next seven. My experience is the human body and brain have a fantastic ability to adapt to circumstances, and I reach a sort of hypnotic state which is an experience in itself.

Spanking can be intense and exciting, but for that very reason I don’t find I can focus very well on the reason for the punishment. Then far too quickly, I discover I want more of that excitement so the impact on correcting my behaviour is quite weak. With a really long session in the corner, I get to see things differently, I make genuine changes in my behaviour, and at the end I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards the person who says, “You can come out now”.

Hunter said...

I disagree woth your statement that anything over an hour is no good. I often get 3 or 4 hours of corner time, in a rigid corset and tall Doc Martens to support me as I stare into the intersection of 2 walls. My wife disciplines me this way. Who are you to say what other people should be doing?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Hunter - what's with the judgemental attitude?!

I think eismar was being very clear this was her personal opinion and other people could think differently.

Expressing opinions is one of the features of blogging, and nowhere do I see eismar saying that you should not be allowed to do more than an hour.

My own experience, and my preference, sounds very similar to yours (pleased to meet you, and I'll keep my eye on your blog)... but my observation is we are in the minority. Probably for most adults who stand in the corner, it's a fairly short, intense experience - and that's the way they like it.

Hunter said...

Yor're right, eayore, I am as judgemental as you are.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that, Hunter. Well said!

Karyn said...

Great post Elsmar! My opinion is very much in line with yours. I think 30 minutes in the corner would be my limit. To go any longer, I think I would have had to have done something really bad and would need to feel that a longer session was justified. But even then, I can't imagine going over an hour. If I've been that bad, just paddle me and get it over with! I also don't like to see all the situations where the girl is stripped bare. To me, the best photos I've ever seen are the vintage ones where the woman is dressed, and her ruffled panties are pulled down just so that her bottom peeps out. What fun! And to add to that, I like for the man doing the spanking to be dressed. Having a naked man spanking a naked woman takes it out of the punishment realm and into the sexual one. Don't get me wrong - that's not always a bad thing! But in general, I'm looking at the punishment aspect, so I think clothed is a much better option. Of course, that's just my opinion and everybody likes different things. Thank heavens for the internet so that there is something for everyone!

Anonymous said...

Punishment best done with some clothing but cornertime for about 1 hour is best. Provoking bathroom privileges is one of the secret punishments that is not thought of often. It teaches respect and privacy