Monday, February 2, 2009

Some things never change

The times are changing. Old values are nothing anymore.
But, Thank God, some things will not change.

Naughty girls get spanked.


Anonymous said...

Naughty girls get ALWAYS & EVERYWHERE spanked, yepp!

jack ketch said...

Genau. Men should be men and women should be women-it does work kinda well.

Anonymous said...

There I was in 1955 a 15 year old getting spanked while now I watch my young grandchildren not only in need of one but telling me where to go just because I'm in my sixty's


Sarah said...

I was spanked right through my teens and beyond by my strict mother and stepfather, and I have to say it did me good to be brought down to size with shameful bare bottom spankings when I needed them. And my parents weren't afraid to pull my knickers down and spank my big bare bottom in public if it was needed!... as a pretty precocious young lady it sometimes was. Lol - To be stripped or have your knickers pulled down for an over the knee spanking like a little girl as an older teenager is the hight of humiliation when you want to be seen as mature and grown up hence it's effectiveness... shame it's gone out of fashion really.

Best wishes from Sarah

Anonymous said...

Thank god for naughty girls and their bare naked spankable bottoms.


sixofthebest said...

Yes, I have been an admirer of spanking for the last 70 years, and when I get to heaven, I will want to spank those naughty female angels. Be it with my hand, paddle, hairbrush, birch, cane or whip. So say I. And how many us would agree.

sixofthebest said...

If Cleopatra had been spanked by Julius Caesar, If Maria Antoinette had been spanked by her husband Louis. If Princess Diana had been spanked by Prince Charles, and Sarah Palin had her knickers taken down, by Barach Obama, and spanked. The world might have been a better place. So don't you agree, things could change, by given the naughty woman, a good and well deserved spanking.

sixofthebest said...

If Cleopatra had been spanked by Julius Caesar, If Maria Antoinette had been spanked by her husband Louis. If Princess Diana had been spanked by Prince Charles, and Sarah Palin had her knickers taken down, by Barach Obama, and spanked. The world might have been a better place. So don't you agree, things could change, by given the naughty woman, a good and well deserved spanking.

Anonymous said...

Postcard series: Well said Sarah. That's you in spirit in the 1925 car shot in public. I always say don't swat clothed bottoms in public but spank bare bottoms (hard !) in private.

And don't a few quiet words (drive home,summer shorts down,panties down,BARE backside,over the knee hard hairbrush) usually stop naughty girls misbehaving in the supermarket !