Tuesday, March 25, 2008

back again

When I started blogging about three years ago, I was just curious. I looked at all the blogs and did not know how to do and what to do. But I liked the thought of having my own page beeing a part of that big internet-community without all the problems of building a homepage of my own. This seemed to be an easy way to be a part of the globle village without beeing an expert in https, www2, rss or anything else connected with some of this important sounding abrevations.

Sometimes I tought (and still believe) the only reason for such abrevations is to keep simple minded like me off from the internet. On the other hand, while surfing around, I detected that there are so many different people having a homepage or blog of their own. Some of them seemed to be quite simple minded, to be polite. So ... if they could do it... why shouldn't I.

I started my first blog and it was as easy as making a cake I never made before. I followed the manual and it worked fine. My little blog was quite sucessful. Unfortunately from one day to another it was deleted for reasons I still do not understand. Nevertheless, I started again with this blog and everything went well.

Initially I thought of posting to my blog every day or at least every second day. That did not work. I changed my intention to posting at least once a week. That did not work too.
To much work to do, health problems, family affairs etc etc.

But I love my little blog. Its mine. It shows some of my very private feelings, interests and desires. It belongs to me. Its fun to be a small part of the spanking community. Its nice to meet people with the same interests. They are all nice and friendly. Do not want to miss that.

So - this blog is still alive and will be in future. Do not exppect me to write a new post so often. I will do if I have time to do so, if I am in the mood to do so. I will do post if there is something I can post about. And I will be happy to find out that there are still some people who check in from time to time. You are welcome!!!




Anonymous said...

I love your blog, too (and its title)!

I check most days, hoping for some new post. It's worth the wait. Lovely pictures!

eismar55 said...

To spike:
Thanks. Thats encouraging. I need that from time to time... :)



Although I do not come here every day, I do like to check out this blog when I can. A new posting here is always a treat, the ones about your local culture as well as the spanking posts. Quantity isn't everything I would rather see the posts that you make infrequently than read posts that may be forced, from a regime that is not comfortable for yourself.


Anonymous said...

A good corner time photo of a spanked wife. Brings back memories...