Saturday, October 6, 2007

Just over

Spanking is more than just turning a naughty girls pale bottom to red. There is the punishment itself. The warming up of the bottom, the time when pain increases and a time to cry and bawl (well...that is how it should be done in my opinion. Others may like it softer or harder)

There is a before and after. Anticipation and reflection. The moment when the panties come down. The moment when the instrument of correction appears. The moment when you walk to the corner. The moments when you rub your bottom. A very special moment in the course of a punishment is when a sound spanking is just over. You lost control about things during the spanking. You felt the sting in your behind, you bawled like a baby and then it is over. You are allowed to get up and to recover yourself. Your bottom is red, your face as well, your panties somewhere. You try to recover and get back control about yourself.

I love pics of this moment very much because they clearly show what spankings are all about: Emotion,temptation, suspense, temporarily loss of control, feeling bad and very sorry and finally getting back to normal and somehow feeling better.

(The title of this pic is 'Dadeeeee...!!' I like it very much because her face shows her mixed emotions and her bottom and hands do as well..)

(This pic shows Emily Jane. She has a blog of her own

Men may wonder why some women take spankings. It is not because they like the pain in their ass. It's because of this mix of imagination and emotions, boys.

So, if you want to become a good spanker... no use to spank her black and blue. Spank her soundly, but make sure that it can be a moment of deep emotion for her.

How to do that?
Find out and you will be a happy spanker...

Final advice: Put her nose in the corner and make her stand there for a while. It gives her time to get okay with her emotional turmoil.

That's good for her and you you will probably/hopefully notice later :) !!!!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Great post and pix. I think you summed it all up very well, as to what the spanking thing is all about.