Bavaria is not Germany and Germany is not bavaria. The bavarians speak german in Bavaria (well a kind of german) and they belong to the Federal Republic of Germany but they are something special. They have a language of their own (h aha), their own history, their own culture and tradition and a fashion of their own.
Most people connect Oktoberfest to Germany, but Oktoberfest is bavarian. We do not have Oktoberfest in Berlin or Hamburg.
But some 30, 40 years ago a special bavarian fashion was spread all over germany:
The Dirndl and the Lederhose.
Most german boys were wearing Lederhosen at that time and a lot of girls were proud to have a

Dirndl for sunday finest. Sometimes even girls had a Lederhose of their own. It was perfect for playing around. You could hardly ruin a Lederhose.
I remember having a red one when I was very young.
Why do I write about lederhosen in tis litttle spanking-blog, you may ask.
Well, Lederhose and spanking are closely combined in german minds.
Ever spanked a leather cladded bottom? Wow, what sound! It echoes through the streets.
Ever been spanked in Lederhosen? You would be surprised. It stings!
But spanking Lederhosen was refferred in my mind to naughty boys some decades ago.

What a surprise when I saw a naughty in Lederhosen getting the spanking of her life.
Maggy from spanked at home got a spanking from her boyfriend she will not soon forget when
she went to oktoberfest.
I liked that story very much. Maybe spankers and spankees form other country cannot understand, but for me it is one of the best story they ever published on this excellent spanking page.
I think girls being spanked over leather skirts have it easy! The amount of protection must dull the effect and really almost makes the spanking a waste of time and energy!The cane is a solution, but only second best!My parents allowed no protection at all and spanked me hard by hand!They were however both firmly of the opinion that older young ladies-when I was 18 to 20 needed caning to get their message across! I was caned in lounge, as I bent over an armchair for a long slow caning of up to 12 sttrokes and it really did smart! I was then given 15 minutes in the corner before being sent to my room for the rest of the evening! Erica.
I'm so glad you wrote this, I learned so much! :) I will never think of lederhosen the same way again. *giggle* Celine
I like to spank girls on their short Lederhosen and I like the vid from spanked at home very much too.
And believe the protection from Lederhosen ist not as great as most people believe, sure it protects your skin, but you feel every stroke, your buttom turns red and feel hot. Believe me I know it hurts because sometimes I get spanked in my Lederhosen too.
German Rohrstock cane was designed for bare bottoms, not for a girl's lederhosen!
Fascinating article. A great girlfriend of mine was raised in Germany in the 1950s & gotten the traditional Rohrstock cane from her parents. This flexible cane, the bottom smacker, was available in all good, local stores & was traditionally designed for the bare buttocks. My friend always gotten it on her bare backside from her mother, with skirts hoisted & knickers pulled down to knees. CP was just normal & necessary back then.
Oh my! It does seem illogical to apply the cane over lederhosen or indeed over any clothing when a stinging bottom is the whole idea of spanking. Why yes, on a bare botty be it ?! That was my mother's maxim. Born 1959, I gotten raised with a bunch of corporal punishment as a matter of strict routine, & I always gotten the cane from mom on a bare bum, not with the luxury of protective coverings, sadly! That was simply how it gotten done, there sure was no question of my dress or panties remaining in situ as protection for a whooping, sadly!!
My American girlfriends usually gotten the strap across their bare behinds on average, back in the 1960s, but in contrast, my sister & I gotten punished with the rattan cane, not the strap. So I always had an affinity for girls' accounts & facts relating to specifically the cane...women I know from Germany, Nigeria, Singapore & the UK for example.
Regards to y'all.
Brenda xx
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